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Adolescent Girls Development & Scholarship Programme :


(Supported by Ms. Sarita Skagnes & Kavli Trust –Sweden from 2016-17)


To support the education of rural under privileged girls the Adolescent Girls Development & Scholarship Programme was initiated in 2015. Girls between age group 13 to 16 are supported through a scholarship and guidance workshops.

This programme is supported by Kavli Trust through Ms. Sarita Skagnes based in Sweden. During last three years 48 girls have been supported through scholarship programme. Parents counseling, carrier guidance, nutrition and health education and life skills development of adolescent girls are the key component of programme.

Drought Proofing Project in Ausa Block of Latur District :


(Recharging village water supply sources through drought proofing measures – CSR Project – 2016-17)


Latur had affected with unprecedented drought situation in the summer of 2016. Hence GSP initiated project in Ausa block and implemented drought proofing measures in two villages with the support of Rizwan Adatia Foundation. Construction of Percolation Lake, deepening broadening of water streamlets/Nala for augmenting ground water level. Recharge of village water supply sources.  1246 families and 8560 people directly benefited by the project. The project was supported by Rizwan Adatiya Foundation a CSR arm of Rizwan Group, Mumbai.

SAMAYDAN’ Movement in Latur District for Environmental Conservation Action :


In response to drought conditions in Latur district during the summer of 2016 a voluntary movement initiated to create awareness and take collective action for environmental conservation and drought mitigation in Latur district. Various NGOs, retired persons, Educational institutes, youth and local groups are brought together to devote time and resources voluntarily as a social obligation to address the challenge of climate change and environmental degradation through soil and water conversation activities in their locality.

Watershed Cluster Development Project – Training & Capacity Building Support :


(IWMP – Integrated Watershed Development Programme, Latur District, Govt. of Maharashtra – 2015-16)


GSP has been recognized as a Project Training Organization _PTO by IWMP –Govt of Maharashtra.  During the year 2013 -16 organization conducted capacity building training programs and exposure visits for cluster no. 33 in Nilanga block of Latur district. The watershed project is being implemented in 6 villages.

Livelihoods Development Training to Watershed User Groups :


( IWMP – Integrated Watershed Development Programme, Parbhani District, Govt. of Maharashtra – 2015-16 )


As a Livelihoods Resource Agency GSP has given training and capacity building support to user groups that is women’s SHGs, Farmers Groups, Artisan’s Groups on various livelihood opportunities. Organized technical trainings as wells exposure visits for 2100 people from four watershed clusters in Parbhani District.

Livelihoods Development Training to Watershed

User Groups :


( IWMP – Integrated Watershed Development Programme, Parbhani District, Govt. of Maharashtra – 2015-16 )

As a Livelihoods Resource Agency GSP has given training and capacity building support to user groups that is women’s SHGs, Farmers Groups, Artisan’s Groups on various livelihood opportunities. Organized technical trainings as wells exposure visits for 2100 people from four watershed clusters in Parbhani District.

Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation Project :


( Jalswaraj Zilla Parishad, Latur –Government of Maharashtra – 2005-2010 )


Drudgery for drinking water and prevalence of water borne diseases is a critical issue and major impediment in human development process. JALSWARAJ is a special drive for addressing problem of safe drinking water and sanitation through people's participation and government assistance. GSP has taken responsibility of facilitating implementation of JALSWARAJ project in nine (9) villages in two blocks of Latur district.

Commercialization of Improved Biomass Fuels and Cooking Devices :


( Supported by Appropriate Rural Technology Institute –ARTI, Pune - 2004-2007 )


This was the pilot project to promote Biomass Fuels and Cooking Devices developed by ARTI_ Appropriate Rural Technology Institute, Pune through dissemination & commercialization of Biomass Fuels and Cooking Devices. Like smoke less cooking stove, Compact biogas system, Sarai Cooking System.

GSP implemented this project in Marathwada region reaching to more than 25000 rural families and trained 10 rural entrepreneurs to continue the supply of improved devices in future at local market. The project was funded by Shell Foundation UK through ARTI, Pune.

Watershed Cluster Development Project – Training & Capacity Building Support :


(IWMP – Integrated Watershed Development Programme, Latur District, Govt. of Maharashtra – 2015-16)


GSP has been recognized as a Project Training Organization _PTO by IWMP –Govt of Maharashtra.  During the year 2013 -16 organization conducted capacity building training programs and exposure visits for cluster no. 33 in Nilanga block of Latur district. The watershed project is being implemented in 6 villages.

Community Convergence Action –CCA :


( Supported by UNICEF through SATH network -2000-2003 )


GSP facilitated the process of CCA in 10 villages of Ausa Block. The CCA intervention sought to empower women by creating a platform to come together and provide opportunities for them to demand and negotiate for their rights to ensure improvement in the quality of life of the rural poor women and their families through increased access to health, nutrition, education, services and productive assets.

Collection and Preservation of Indigenous Seeds and Promotion of Organic Farming :


( Self-Funded -1998 -2006 –Initial technical support by Academy for Development Science )


Decreasing nutrition value of food grains, toxicating agriculture land with addictive use of expensive chemical fertilizers and hybrid seeds has posed serious question on sustainability of agriculture. To address this critical issue GSP initiated a programme in 1998 for the promotion of organic farming and preservation of indigenous seeds.

Galicha Weaving Training - Skill Development Training for Rural Women :


( Supported by NABARD – 1996-98 )

32 underprivileged women availed six months training in woolen Galicha making. Under Arvind Scheme for the skill development of weaver with support of NABARD this training programme was conducted.

Skill Development Training for Earthquake Affected Rural Women :


(Carpet Making Training Programme for Women -Funded by CAPART – 1994-95)


For the restoration of livelihood in post-earthquake rehabilitation drive GSP implemented this project for underprivileged women in earthquake affected areas. 30 underprivileged women trained in carpet making on handloom that enabled them to take up this activity as a non-farm home based income generation activity.

Rehabilitation of Orthopedically Impaired Earthquake Survivors :


( Joint project with JANARTH, Aurangabad, Funded by Action-Aid  1994-95 )


In 1993 devastating earthquake struck to Latur district thousands of people suffered with minor and major orthopaedic impairment. For the medical rehabilitation of orthopedically impaired earthquake survivors in collaboration with Handicapped International & JANARTH a special project was initiated.


Physiotherapy treatment and rehabilitation support services were extended in 25 earthquake affected villages reaching to more than 2000 patients.

Preservation & promotion of indigenous medicinal parishioner's knowledge


(Grameen Vaidu Sanghathan – Funded by IGSSS, Pune - 1992-94)


Treasure of indigenous knowledge and medicinal practices have been endangered due to overwhelming state driven use of allopathic medicine. GSP initiated this special project to create data bases of rural Vaidu – indigenous health practitioners and validate their valuable tradition knowledge through documentation and promotion. Zadapla Aushadhi Kendra was one the initiative under this project to promote tradition medicinal practices.

Indo-German Watershed Development Project :     


( Funded by AFARM, Pune under NGO Capacity Building Programme -1993-1998 )


Natural resource management and watershed development project was initiated by AFARM & Indo German Aid Agency across Maharashtra. GSP was one of the select implementation organizations for Watershed Cluster Development. GSP implemented watershed development project scientifically under the technical guidance of AFARM in two villages Turukwadi, and Tungi in Ausa block of Latur district.

ADARSH GAON YOJANA- Ideal Model Village Development Progarmme


(Funded by Adarsh Gaon Sakalp Prakalp Samiti Govt. of Maharashtra 1990-2006)


" Adarsh Gaon Yojana " a special initiative of the Government of Maharashtra for the replication of village development model demonstrated by Hon. Annasaheb Hazare at village Ralegan Siddhi.


GSP adopted two villages of Latur district namely Budhoda and Anandwadi. for the implementation of the scheme and successfully introduced the concept of village development through natural resource and watershed management with people's participation.

Reviving Rural Livelihoods through Social Actions :


( Funded by OXFAM - 1981- 1984 )


First action programme of GSP for the development of rural underprivileged folks. Organizing rural landless labours, artisans, SC, ST, nomadic folk to build a pressure group to claim right to development and livelihoods for prevention of migration was the core objective of the project.


Informal education for school dropouts, land for landless labour, capital support for landless labour for farming who acquired government land, up-gradation to rural artisans and promotion of occupation based cooperative societies were intervention activities.

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